Children's Hearing

Paediatric Hearing Assessments

Audico offers a range of audiological assessments for infants and children of all ages and developmental levels. Parents who are concerned about their child’s hearing can self-refer and a full report is sent back to the child’s GP or other involved health professionals. In cases where a hearing impairment is detected onward referral can be made to the appropriate health professionals for further assessment. All children's hearing tests are completed in a sound-proof booth to give the most accurate results.

At Audico, our audiologists have a wide range of experience in paediatrics, in both community and acute settings. Therefore, our audiologists are equipped to deal with children of all ages and development levels.

What happens at a Paediatric Appointment?

An examination of the ear (otoscopy) is carried out. It can help identify physical abnormalities, which may contribute to a hearing loss. It involves the Audiologist looking into the child’s ear with a light; it is both a safe and comfortable procedure. Dependent on the child’s age and developmental ability, their hearing will be tested by one of the below methods (VRA or Play
Audiometry). Some children become nervous in a clinic environment or are shy in the presence of strangers. The clinical Audiologists will spend quite some time playing with these children to help them settle in and enjoy the listening games.


Tympanometry records eardrum movement in response to a change in pressure. It is useful in detecting conditions such as middle ear fluid (glue ear), eardrum perforations and Eustachian tube dysfunction.

Otoacoustic Emissions - OAEs

Otoacoustic Emissions (OAEs) is a non-invasive, quick test. This test is used to determine the health of outer the hair cells in the cochlea (hearing organ) and is also used in the Newborn Hearing Screening programme. This test provides us with valuable information that aid us in ruling out a hearing loss. It usually only takes a few minutes to obtain a response from both ears. It is essential that your child is quiet during this test. The test is performed by placing a small probe that contains a microphone and speaker into the child’s ear. Sounds are generated in the probe and responses that come back from the cochlea are recorded.

Visual Reinforcement Audiometry (VRA) ( < 3 Years)

VRA is a test that examines a child’s behavioural response to sounds presented through speakers or headphones (if tolerated). Upon hearing and turning to the sound, the child is rewarded by a dancing toy. Once the child is conditioned for testing, the stimulus is reduced to a faint level and the child’s hearing is checked across pitches of sound necessary to hear speech.

Performance/Play Audiometry (> 2.5 Years)

In older children, the child is instructed to do a task such as, place a block in a bucket when they hear a tone. This test may be carried out through a speaker or headphones.

Pure Tone Audiometry (>5 Years)

Pure Tone Audiometry is a hearing assessment which identifies the softest sound you can hear at a range of different frequencies using headphones. A range of methods can be used to obtain a response during this test, such as pressing a button when the tone is heard.

Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR/) (>newborn)

ABR is an objective test most commonly used in newborn infants and those who cannot part take in a behavioural assessment due to complex needs. This method of testing is performed when the child is asleep. Small electrodes are placed on the child’s head and earphones are inserted to present sounds. Responses from the brain can then be recorded and the hearing ability of the child may be determined. This test can take 1-2 hours depending on the child’s ability to sleep.

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